Smart design in classic black from J. R. Kortman Center for Design

 Black is back for this new year. It's elegant, chic, classic...even versatile. At J. R. Kortman Center for Design you can find cool objects in myriad shades of black for you and your home or for that special someone who deserves a sophisticated, exciting gift for a birthday, wedding, or just to say "Happy New Year." Choose your favorite shade of black Monday through Saturday, 10am to 6pm @ J. R. Kortman Center for Design, 107 North Main, Downtown Rockford.

First Friday @ J. R. Kortman: Sarah Stewart's iPod, Dennis Horton @ Gallery Bar, & closing party for "Landmarks" exhibit

 Hope to see you this first First Friday of the New Year, 2013...the year of the snake. We are celebrating the success of the "Landmarks" exhibition with a closing party in the Kortman Gallery. We will also reveal the unedited playlist from the iPod of artist Sarah Danielle Stewart (one of the featured artists in the "Landmarks" exhibit), played through a cool sound system from Here.MoreMusic. And Dennis Horton will keep the party going while he tends the Kortman Gallery Bar! And you can shop 'til 9pm @ J. R. Kortman Center for Design with 25% savings on all Christmas items (Landmark ornaments excluded). Stay warm & cozy upstairs and down at 107 North Main Street!

Enjoy shopping Xmas Eve @ J. R. Kortman 10am–6pm...Gallery Bar open for holiday cheer!

Happy Christmas Eve,
We have one more day left for this holiday shopping season and we will be open (Dec. 24th) 10am to 6pm. If you still have more shopping to do or haven't even started we will be here all day as Santa's official representatives. And, of course, we gift wrap. Even if you've finished with your shopping, stop by for some Merry Christmas cheer. Dennis Horton will be tending the Kortman Gallery Bar from noon 'til close. Hope you are all having a wonderful holiday season and we thank you for making this one of our best seasons ever! Hope to see you soon.

Extraordinary holiday gifts for you and your home @ J. R. Kortman

As we approach Christmas Day, here are some more holiday gift ideas with an accent on home accessories...and some other cool ideas for you to put on your wish list or for someone very special in your life. Architecturally designed housewares from Alessi make useful objects extraordinary works of form and function. These are lasting gifts of exceptional quality that can be passed on to the next generation. Other gift ideas in this photo album are sure to help make the season bright for young and old.
J. R. Kortman Center for Design will be open daily now through Christmas Eve...10am to 6pm...Sunday (Dec. 23rd), Noon to 6pm. 

Great holiday gifts for guys @ J. R. Kortman

Whether he's your boyfriend, husband, brother, dad, or co-worker... guys can be difficult to buy for. At J. R. Kortman we've got cool stuff he's sure to enjoy, use, and even cherish...because you found something unique that suits his personality. From toys to clocks to ties to art to watches to books on art, design, and popular culture. Here are some photos of some selected items that he might really like...but, do stop in and see much more when you experience holiday shopping at J. R. Kortman Center for Design.

Unusual, beautiful gifts from artists and designers @ J. R. Kortman

Looking for something strange and wonderful for that special someone in your life? Look no further that J.R. Kortman Center for Design. One of a kind, intimate treasures from Lyndie Dourthe of Paris and Betsy Youngquist of Rockford...these two women have created art pieces like no one else in the world...presenting a whole new way of seeing things through their hand-made and unusaul craft, both selecting materials that command wonder and beauty. Also discover surreal, limited edition Piggy Bank designed by Harry Allen or smartly elegant "rubber band" watch by Mathieu Lehanneur. Weird animal mascots form the case for an eco-friendly market bag. Other finds at J. R. Kortman include a unique seashell hand-made necklace, carved resin "gourd" vase, Frank Lloyd Wright bookends, or a limited edition corkscrew from Alessi. 

Decorate your home with Holiday embellishments from J. R. Kortman

This holiday season decorate with some fun and exciting ornaments and embellishments from J. R. Kortman. Discover ornaments from Germany, China, Viet Nam, Canada, Italy and even the USA. Add charm and sophistication with unique and colorful home accents that will truly make the season bright. And no Christmas tree is complete without ornaments from the Rockford Landmark Ornament Collection.  Shop Downtown at an intriguing array of shops, from the Rockford Art Deli to Rockford Art Museum Gift Store, from Minglewood & Plush to Just Goods & Phoenix Traders and everything in between. Also, you can enjoy lunch or dinner and cocktails in some of Rockford's best restaurants and bars. Christmas in the city and J. R. Kortman Center for Design!